Welcome to my blog!
I have long been an advocate for keeping a journal and building a habit of writing something in it on a regular basis. This goes as far back as 9 or 10 years old. I find great joy in revisiting those first journals from time to time, as they reveal just how different the world is through the eyes of our youth. One entry always comes to mind, in which I lamented over my parents not getting me a snowboard for Christmas.
As luck would have it, the very next year I awoke on Christmas Day to find a brand new snowboard leaning up against the tree! It was nothing short of a Christmas miracle; a moment that would change the rest of my life! Three weeks later I found myself trembling with excitement on my way to the Pocono mountains for my snowboard’s maiden voyage. I looked down the side of a blue square slope at Camelback Mountain, strapped my boots to the board, and hopped up to make my way down. Moments later I was tumbling down the the full length of the run, only stopping when my head finally struck the ice-covered snow. After one hour of laying in the snow unconscious, I came-to and walked to the nearest ski patrol station, lesson learned. “I guess sometimes parents do know best after all.”

But we are not here to discuss brain trauma, nor to relive the foolish adventures of youth.
What’s the deal?
We live in an era where many websites and services sift our interactions through algorithms, advertisements, and pay walls. Time has shown that the relatively old school format of a blog/post page has earned a seat as one of the purest forms of engagement. I’m sure by now you are surely asking “what are we here to discuss?”
Every great photo should both tell a story and make an emotional connection with a viewer. With my passion for photography having brought me new and exciting projects, these stories are plentiful. Yet I often wish I could share a “B-side” to every photo, to tell the story of how that moment was captured. This blog will serve as a behind-the-scenes look at everything that goes into a successful shoot. Regardless of the project there is always a second story to be told. From the epic adventures and travels, to the tech talk and composition notes, nothing will be withheld here.
At the end of the day there is more to life than any one hobby, interest, or profession. When not working on a photo project, you can find me hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, traveling, or doing anything that lets me live life to the fullest. In that sense you can expect posts that are very heavily rooted in exploration, adventure, and everything in between. And perhaps the occasional op-ed 🙂

I am so glad you are here, and cannot wait to share it all with you.